Allies (WW2)

  1. 1. When did Canada declare war?
  2. 4. Technique invented in Octona by Canadians
  3. 6. What raid was "doomed from the start"?
  4. 7. The atomic bomb was set off in this city.
  5. 8. The invasion of Europe by the Allies.
  6. 13. He was the Italian dictator.
  7. 14. The atomic bombs were dropped on ________ cities.
  8. 16. When did Brittain and France declare war?
  9. 17. Area flooded by germans to try and halt Canadian troops.
  1. 1. What Italian island did the allies attack?
  2. 2. Rome was taken in this year.
  3. 3. What does RCN stand for?
  4. 5. D-Day was also called operation ________.
  5. 8. A slaughter at the English Channel.
  6. 9. When the Luftwaffe attacked Brittain.
  7. 10. What country was captured in 1940?
  8. 11. Once Mussolini was killed his body was disrespected by the citizens and Allied soldiers.
  9. 12. These were popular to buy (government).
  10. 15. One of the last major pushes in the war.
  11. 18. The ____ training camp was located in Canada.