Lop 6 - Fall Final

  1. 3. What did the angel touch Isaiah’s lips with? (Is 5-7)
  2. 4. Who did Peter raise from the dead? (Acts 9-11)
  3. 9. Who is Luke writing to? (Lk 1)
  4. 10. Who hid the spies in her house? (Joshua 1-3)
  5. 16. Who had dreamt dreams that bothered him so much that he couldn’t sleep? (Dan 1-3)
  6. 18. What was the name of the demon that kept killing Sarah’s husbands? (Tob 2-4)
  7. 19. Josiah was how old when he became king? (2 Kings 21-23)
  8. 21. Who was Herod’s wife, who was his brother’s Phillip’s wife? (Mk 5-7)
  9. 23. Who was the female judge who was also a prophetess? (Judg 3-5)
  10. 25. Who were the couple who died because they lied to Peter? Ananias and ___ (Acts 4-6)
  11. 26. Peter asked how many times he should forgive. (Matt 17-19)
  12. 27. Who was Hosea’s wife? (Hos 1)
  13. 28. What did Samson tear apart with his bare hands? (Judg 13-15)
  1. 1. What color was the horse from the second seal? (Rev 5-7)
  2. 2. Who did David see bathing on the roof? (2 Sam 10-12)
  3. 5. Who was the king who succeeded King Solomon (1 Kings 11-13)
  4. 6. What kind of nationality was Eliphaz? (Job 3-5)
  5. 7. Who else appeared with Jesus when he Transfigured? Moses and ___ (Matt 16-18)
  6. 8. What did Naomi call herself? (Ruth 1-2)
  7. 11. Who was the king that tore his clothes when he heard the words of Rabshakeh? (Is 36-38)
  8. 12. What was Daniel’s other name? (Dan 4-6)
  9. 13. What is the name of the mountain on which Moses died? (Deut 33-34)
  10. 14. Haman was furious when Mordecai didn’t do what?
  11. 15. Where was the home of Lazarus, Mary, and Martha? (Jn 11-13)
  12. 17. Who did Judith behead? (Jdt 12-14)
  13. 20. How many days was Jonah in the belly of the fish? (Jon 1-3)
  14. 22. Who was sent to heal both Tobit and Sarah? (Tob 2-4)
  15. 24. What is the name of Samuel’s mother? (1 Sam 1-2)