Socials Studies Crossword
- 3. philanthropist and founder and director of homes for poor and deprived children.
- 4. inventor, mechanical engineer, and chemist who improved ThomasNewcomen's 1712 Newcomen steam engine with his Watt steam engine in 1776.
- 11. Revolutionize the Food Industry
- 13. weaver, carpenter, and Inventor - invented the spinning jenny
- 20. inventor, widely known for inventing the cotton gin.
- 21. Romantic Artist - sometimes known as William Turner
- 22. secret oath-based organisation of English textile workers.
- 1. inventor that created the flying shuttle
- 2. inventor of Macadamisation, an effective and economic method of creating roads.
- 5. politician, philanthropist, and a leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade.
- 6. the Automobile
- 7. the spinning frame.
- 8. of Frankenstein
- 9. journalist and was a notable champion of the freedom of the press.
- 10. inventor who created an engine that harnessed the power of steam.
- 12. American political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and revolutionary.
- 14. Sand Casting
- 15. the first public intercity railway system in the world to use locomotives.
- 16. textile manufacturer, philanthropist and social reformer.
- 17. Economist making theories about economies during the beginning of the industrial revolution.
- 18. Agriculturist - perfected a horse drawn seed drill that economically sowed the seeds in neat rows
- 19. A Christmas Carol