2021 Circuit Assembly (With Circuit Overseer)
- 5. another blessing we receive from dedicating our lives to Jehovah and getting baptized is: We become part of a global _____________ (from the talk "Dedication and Baptism").
- 8. Jehovah deserves for us to give him glory, honor and our _________ (Rev 4:11, from the talk "Dedication and Baptism").
- 10. The Davidic _________ reveals that the promised seed will come through David, and will be a ruler whose throne will last forever (Psalms 89:34-37, from the talk "Exercise Faith In The God Who Cannot Lie").
- 12. The Abrahamic Covenant says that all the nations of the Earth will be blessed by Abraham's offspring- the coming "seed" promised at Genesis 3:15 to crush Satan (from the talk "Exercise Faith In The God Who Cannot Lie").
- 17. Baptism broadens our opportunities to give internally and externally. We give externally by helping to make __________ (from the talk "Dedication and Baptism").
- 19. Be ________ with what you have (1 Tim 6:8, from the Symposium "Walk By Faith- Never Be Anxious").
- 20. Those who belong to Jehovah have the quality of __________ (James 4:6, from the talk "Jehovah Knows Those Who Belong to Him").
- 23. Create ________ and have goals to improve the use of your time (from the talk "Make The Best Use of Your Time").
- 25. Those who belong to Jehovah are those who have __________ unrighteousness (2 Tim. 2:19, from the talk "Jehovah Knows Those Who Belong to Him").
- 28. Prepare ahed of time by identifying any possible challenges on the horizon that could test our faith or our neutrality. Then ________ what you have prepared by role playing and walking through various scenarios (from the talk "Remain No Part of the World").
- 29. If your eye is focused, then you will ________ how much time you spend in Kingdom pursuits verses other activities (from the talk "Make The Best Use of Your Time").
- 31. Four traits that are important for success in our preaching are being: impartial, patient, _____________ and adaptable (from the talk "We Exercise Faith, Therefore We Speak").
- 32. We give internally by helping and supporting our brothers and sisters. This strengthens the bonds of brotherhood and has a ___________ effect (from the talk "Dedication and Baptism").
- 33. Just like ______ we may have to boldly stand up for the truth, even amidst family opposition.
- 34. Genesis 3:15 will be completely fulfilled when Satan is crushed out of existence at the end of the ____________ (answer is 2 words, Rev. 20:7,10).
- 35. There are four reasons we gain happiness by while giving externally in the ministry. One reason is that we are helping to assist Jehovah in ___________ His name (from the talk "Dedication and Baptism").
- 1. We can have faith and confidence in Jehovah's promises because He can do more than ____________ beyond anything we can conceive (Eph 3:20, from the talk "Exercise Faith In The God Who Cannot Lie").
- 2. Most of the world suffers from _________, because they are only focused on what is near and right in front of them, ignoring the bigger picture, including their prospects for everlasting life (from the Symposium "Walk By Faith- Never Be Anxious").
- 3. You do not ever need to be anxious because Jehovah will never _________ you! (from the Symposium "Walk By Faith- Never Be Anxious").
- 4. While wisdom preserves alive the owner, money can NOT buy _______________ (the answer is 2 words, Ecc. 7:12, from the Symposium "Walk By Faith- Never Be Anxious").
- 6. Another reason we gain happiness while giving externally in the ministry is because we have the best possible ____________, namely Jehovah (1 Cor 3:9) and Jesus (Matt. 28:20, from the talk "Dedication and Baptism").
- 7. Even those who die faithfully still ________ to Jehovah, according to Paul's words in the Letter to the Romans (from the talk "Exercise Faith In The God Who Cannot Lie").
- 9. Song 52 "Christian Dedication" closed the morning session. "We come before you, Jehovah, to praise your name so great. Disowning self, with humble hearts, our lives we __________ ".
- 11. If you remember that wants are not always the same as ________, you will avoid getting into debt and will live within your means (from the Symposium "Walk By Faith- Never Be Anxious").
- 13. People are eager to hear "____________ of something better" (2 words, from the talk "We Exercise Faith, Therefore We Speak")
- 14. Another reason we gain happiness while giving externally in the ministry is because we are involved in a ____________ work (John 17:3, from the talk "Dedication and Baptism").
- 15. It is by acts of ________ that Jehovah knows us and claims us as His (1 John 5:4 and Rev. 3:5, from the talk "Jehovah Knows Those Who Belong to Him").
- 16. As humans, we were designed to be _________ like our heavenly Father (from the talk "Dedication and Baptism").
- 18. Keep testing whether you are still in the faith and keep ________ what you are (from the talk "Jehovah Knows Those Who Belong to Him").
- 19. One outstanding sister who was interviewed used the three "C's" to give internally to the brothers and sisters: Calls, Cards, and ___________ (from the talk "Dedication and Baptism").
- 21. It is a _____________ offer to be reconciled with God, because there is an "End" (2 Cor 5:18,19 and Matt. 24:14, from the talk "Dedication and Baptism", the answer is 2 words, usually hyphenated).
- 22. _________ immediately prayed when put on the spot by a king. We, too, should instinctively turn to prayer if we need to make a defense of the truth or if our faith is questioned (from the talk "Remain No Part of the World").
- 24. another blessing we receive from dedicating our lives to Jehovah and getting baptized is: We are given the great privilege of bearing His ______ as one of Jehovah's Witnesses (from the talk "Dedication and Baptism").
- 25. One blessing we receive from dedicating our lives to Jehovah and getting baptized is: We come into a special ____________ with Him, because we now belong to Him (Romans 14:7,8 and 2 Tim 2:19, from the talk "Dedication and Baptism").
- 26. Jesus has already received the ___________ needed to fulfill all of Jehovah's promises, and he has already begun exercising it (Rev. 12:10, from the talk "Exercise Faith In The God Who Cannot Lie").
- 27. The real key to happiness in life is to give to our ________ (from the talk "Dedication and Baptism").
- 30. Another reason we gain happiness while giving externally in the ministry is because our own faith and hope grows along with our ___________ (Prov. 11:24, from the talk "Dedication and Baptism").
- 31. Imitate how ________ used his time and what he focused on during his life (from the talk "Make The Best Use of Your Time").