2021 Homecoming Week

  1. 3. East Sac County's school mascot
  2. 4. in this subject area we are working on personal narratives
  3. 8. program used to practice reading skills
  4. 9. idea a sentence describing what the story is about
  5. 10. what you have to do to come up with ideas
  6. 11. a sport played with a ball where you try to score goals
  7. 12. a word describing what the story is about
  1. 1. the grade you are in
  2. 2. subject in which we learn how to read
  3. 5. a routine for practicing reading fluently
  4. 6. a week to celebrate the Raiders and our sports teams
  5. 7. a sport played where you win points by getting the ball over the net
  6. 9. program used to practice vocabulary skills