
  1. 2. A retelling of the main events or ideas of a piece of writing
  2. 4. A learning towards a certain opinion or position on a topic
  3. 7. The time and place in which events of a story occur
  4. 8. A poem that expresses feelings and has a musical quality
  5. 10. A major unit of a drama or play
  6. 11. An author's attitude toward his or her subject matter
  7. 13. Language used for descriptive effect
  8. 16. The emotional quality or atmosphere of a story or poem
  9. 18. A conversation between characters; lines spoken in dramas.
  10. 19. The logical result of the climax
  11. 20. Descriptive language that appeals to one or more of the five senses
  12. 21. statements about all members of a group
  13. 23. The person that tells the story
  14. 24. The central message of a work or literature often expressed as a general statement about life.
  15. 27. Introduces the story's conflict, character, and setting
  16. 28. An in-direct reference to a well-known person, place, character, place, event, concept, or literacy work
  17. 29. A short saying with a humorous or ironic saying
  18. 30. A form of literary expressions that contains lines and stanzas
  1. 1. A personal view or opinion
  2. 3. When the writer tells what happens without stating more than can be inferred form the story's action and dialogue
  3. 5. The conclusion of a story
  4. 6. A group of lines forming a unit in a
  5. 9. A figure of speech in which an animal, object, or force of nature, or an idea is given human form of characteristics
  6. 12. The struggle between two opposing forces
  7. 14. Overstating something or stretching the truth
  8. 15. A contrast between the way things seem and the way they really are
  9. 17. Writing about real people , places, and events
  10. 22. The most important idea expressed in a paragraph or text
  11. 25. A narrative poem that describes the adventures of a hero
  12. 26. A story written to be preformed by actors.