Winter Wonderland

  1. 2. Month winter ends
  2. 4. Where we can skate in Ottawa
  3. 5. A game played on ice between two teams of six skaters each
  4. 11. The destruction of tissue by freezing and characterized by tingling
  5. 13. A mass of ice formed from the freezing of dripping water
  6. 14. The shortest day of the year that occurs in winter
  7. 15. Simple sled traditionally used by children
  8. 16. Month winter begins
  9. 17. A covering for the hand & wrist having a separate section for the thumb only
  1. 1. An insulated waterproof coat with a hood
  2. 3. What you send on February 14th
  3. 6. A crystal of snow
  4. 7. A type of tree that remains green in the winter
  5. 8. One or two piece lined garment for winter wear by children
  6. 9. A brimless & close-fitting hat
  7. 10. One of a pair of long, slender runners used in gliding over snow
  8. 12. An annual winter festival held in Ottawa