
  1. 3. Changes that affect individuals' surroundings (architecture, arts, customs, rituals etc.) owing to influxes of tourists constitute cultural impacts.
  2. 5. Encompasses all activity related to production, consumption, and trade of goods and services in an area.
  3. 6. People come and go to other parts of the world to study, take a vacation, enjoy, work, compete and research.
  4. 9. Top 5 countries dominated WTO starts with letter C
  5. 12. The growing interdependence of the world's economies.
  6. 13. Globalization is evident in the various aspects of our way of life and cultures.
  7. 14. Because of globalization, it became easier for the countries to trade products, invest capital and conduct business with other countries. This is referred as economic ________.
  8. 18. The customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social groups.
  9. 19. the action of transferring something or the process of being transferred.
  10. 20. Top 5 countries dominated WTO starts with letter A
  11. 21. ________ mentality is deeply engraved in every Filipino as a result of the country’s colonization. Filipinos penchant for things foreign is reflected in their preference for clothes, foods, music, movies and others. This kind of thinking is one of the factors that cause local businesses to fail.
  12. 22. it was founded after world war in 1944.
  13. 23. refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services. Protectionism is there to ensure that our economy is being protected.
  1. 1. the production of less than enough to satisfy the demand or of less than the usual amount.
  2. 2. They will occur because of communication tools such as television, radio, networking sites, computers, mobile phones.
  3. 3. Two countries trading products, services and capitals between them eventually form cooperation of a political nature.
  4. 4. Top 5 countries dominated WTO starts with letter G
  5. 7. Top 5 countries dominated WTO starts with letter J
  6. 8. the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.
  7. 10. non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries.
  8. 11. the Economic ________ is defined in relation to the flows covered in the SNA. This means that all flows related to the three types of economic activity covered in national accounts (production, consumption and accumulation) are included.
  9. 15. Top 5 countries dominated WTO starts with letter N
  10. 16. is the process of transferring an asset from public ownership—specifically ownership by a national government—to private ownership and operation.
  11. 17. It is said that benefits can be gained in trading products, services and capital with the other countries because the number of products one can choose from the market increases significantly.
  12. 22. an organization working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth.