- 1. increases heart rate, breathing, blood pressure; also causes dry mouth, dilated pupils, etc.
- 3. AKA MDMA; hard to regulate body's temperature and serious heart, kidney, or liver problems
- 11. can cause the user to hear voices or see images that do not exist
- 13. minimum legal drinking age in Georgia
- 14. a condition that is long-lasting and tends to worsen over time
- 15. drugs that are bought without a prescription
- 2. drugs that are given/recommended by a professional
- 4. an addictive substance that causes paranoia, aggression, and sometimes seizures or heart attacks
- 5. laws that state it is illegal for people under 21 to drive with a BAC of .02 or greater
- 6. dangerous overheating of the body
- 7. types of drugs that are marketed as another type of product, ex. bath salts
- 8. substances or fumes that are sniffed or huffed to cause an immediate high
- 9. the most abused illicit substance among youth
- 10. driving after drinking alcohol or taking drugs
- 12. one of the most widely used drugs in the world
- 16. enters the brain quickly; slows the user's thought process