FIOS: SYF Motions And Points

  1. 2. Motion raised to add word/s or detail/s on a certain part of the SPEAR.
  2. 4. Motion used to delete an entire sentence/s in the SPEAR.
  3. 7. Used to completely delete or deny the adoption of the SPEAR presented.
  4. 8. Point directed to the Organizing or Steering Committee when there is an inquiry in the Parliamentary Procedures of the forum.
  5. 11. Used when a member of the body is in need to go outside the forum venue during the session for personal necessity; an example is the need of the comfort room.
  6. 13. This motion is to change a certain part of the SPEAR.
  1. 1. This point is raised when there's a need for clarification in a certain part of the SPEAR.
  2. 3. Point that is only usable for the Organizing and Steering Committee.
  3. 5. A point often raised to give an inquiry regarding a certain part of the SPEAR presented
  4. 6. Point mostly used when there's a lack of information regarding the SPEAR.
  5. 9. Motion used to delete a specific paragraph in the SPEAR.
  6. 10. Motion used to approve the current SPEAR presented if no other amendments are to be done.
  7. 12. Motion used to delete specific word/s only in the SPEAR.