Respiratory System

  1. 3. function test to diagnose pulmonary disease
  2. 4. nerve that stimulates diaphragm
  3. 7. genetic disorder causing excessive mucus in lungs
  4. 8. posterior to oral cavity
  5. 11. respiratory structure
  6. 12. respiration occuring in tissues
  7. 15. maximum amount of air in and out
  8. 17. normal breathing
  9. 19. pressure within lung tissue
  10. 21. pathologic enlarged alveoli
  11. 22. muscle constricting trachea
  12. 24. dictates that low pH and high PCO2 looses more O2
  13. 25. CO2 bound to Hb
  14. 27. says pressure equal to percentage
  15. 30. more soluble gas
  16. 31. tendancy to recoil
  1. 1. cancer originating from glands
  2. 2. air trapped in conduits
  3. 5. said dissolution = partial pressure
  4. 6. enzyme in RBC makes H2CO3
  5. 9. decreases surface tension
  6. 10. alveolar cells that produce surfactant
  7. 13. temporary cessation of breathing during sleep
  8. 14. lightens skull
  9. 15. the true vocal cords
  10. 16. inferior aspect of lung
  11. 18. cell type in bronchus
  12. 20. extends to just above soft palate
  13. 23. low blood CO2
  14. 26. number of left lobes
  15. 28. normal quiet breathing
  16. 29. transport form of CO2