Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. plates moving apart
  2. 7. type of crust that is more dense
  3. 12. plates moving towards each other
  4. 13. melted rock inside the mantle
  1. 1. when one tectonic plate is tucked or pushed under another
  2. 2. ___ de fuca plate off the coast of Oregon
  3. 3. plates sliding past each other
  4. 5. name of last supercontinent
  5. 6. the currents in the mantle that cause plate movement
  6. 8. caused by the slipping of tectonic plates
  7. 9. type of crust that is thicker and less dense
  8. 10. magnetic _______ is when magnetic north flips to the opposite pole
  9. 11. the zones near mid ocean ridges that can cause earthquakes