
  1. 2. A natural satellite that orbits planets
  2. 4. The 2nd closest planet to the sun
  3. 5. A very strong gravitational pull so strong that any matter can't escape it
  4. 6. A bright orb 93.59 million miles away from Earth
  5. 9. The branch of science that deals with objects in the universe
  6. 11. an object that has a nucleus of ice and dust.
  7. 16. A person who is trained for space
  8. 17. A type of planet made out of gas
  9. 18. The only known place that has life
  10. 21. A pattern or picture made out of stars
  11. 22. The biggest planet in our solar system
  1. 1. Everything
  2. 2. A galaxy with over 200 billion stars
  3. 3. A dwarf planet that was in our solar system
  4. 7. A planet that is visible to the naked from earth and it has a ring
  5. 8. A bright orb
  6. 10. An object from space that enters the atmosphere
  7. 12. The curved path of an object around, another object
  8. 13. A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star
  9. 14. A small, rocky object that orbit the Sun
  10. 15. The length light travels in a year
  11. 19. A collection of planets
  12. 20. The smallest planet in the solar system