NASA Wedding Reception

  1. 2. Bride’s favorite food
  2. 5. Bride’s favorite Anime
  3. 7. Couple’s first date cuisine
  4. 10. Groom’s favorite sports team
  5. 13. Couple's first trip destination
  6. 14. Couple’s first K-Drama cosplay
  7. 15. Country of the Groom’s birth
  8. 18. Company the Groom works for
  9. 19. Bride’s favorite color
  10. 20. Groom’s favorite color
  11. 21. Name of future cat
  1. 1. Bride’s undergraduate college
  2. 3. Groom’s undergraduate college
  3. 4. City where Bride moved to for her PhD
  4. 6. Neighborhood where the couple will live
  5. 8. City where the Bride was born
  6. 9. Place where groom proposed
  7. 11. Groom’s favorite cookie
  8. 12. Couple’s dream honeymoon destination
  9. 15. Bride’s favorite drink
  10. 16. Groom’s birth month
  11. 17. Bride’s birth month