
  1. 3. These organs have a very distinct shape and even have a type of bean named after them.
  2. 6. this hormone activates our "fight-or-flight" mechanism and often makes us feel a rush
  3. 9. these chemical regulators target only specific parts of the body like an arrow fired from bow,the bow being the gland that secreted them
  4. 11. these chemicals are like radio waves and anyone with the right equipment such as a radio(receptor) can tune-in and use them
  5. 13. In this type of diffusion, water molecules move to across a membrane to balance solute concentrations on both sides like gym teachers sending kids to seperate sides of the gym to balance teams for a dodgeball game
  6. 14. this machine acts as an artificial kidney for those whose kidneys no longer function
  7. 15. If the human body was a computer, this gland would be the motherboard
  8. 16. this system performs for our bodies can be compared to the function of a plumbing system
  1. 1. this mechanism is similar to the grandfather paradox in time-travel. In this mechanism the product of a reaction causes a decrease in the reaction
  2. 2. these ions act like sponges and soak up the excess H+ ions and keep our pH levels stable
  3. 4. If the human body was a house, then this process would be like adjusting the thermostat to keep the house warm in the winter and cool in the summer
  4. 5. Without iodine, this gland cannot function and causes our throats to swell up like an inflated balloon
  5. 7. imagine the human body as a mall or shopping complex in this type of diabetes, the pancreas is like a store and the one of its products(insulin) is out of stock
  6. 8. imagine your body as a house and the excretory system as a faucet. In this type of diabetes, the faucet is running and you (ADH) are not home to turn it off so lots of water is being excreted and wasted
  7. 10. These chemical regulators are like orders from a general and travel to receptors/cells, which are like soldiers waiting for orders
  8. 12. your doctor might ask you for a sample of this when you go for a check up