
  1. 4. The act of translating an image, a sound, or a video clip into digital format for use on a computer.
  2. 5. Copyrighted software available for downloading without charge
  3. 7. A computer that is responsible for responding to requests made by a client program
  4. 9. A technique for transferring data over the Internet so that a client browser or plug-in can start displaying it before the entire file has been received
  5. 11. Science and technology of electronic systems and devices for aeronautics and astronautics
  6. 12. The opposite of number 3
  7. 13. A challenge-response test in the form of an image of distorted text the user must enter that to determine whether the user is human or an automated bot
  8. 15. A program capable of running on any computer regardless of the operating system
  9. 16. A market for buying mobile applications
  10. 17. A measurement of the amount of data that can be transmitted over a network at any given time
  11. 19. The amount of space between characters in a word
  12. 20. Chinese phone brand
  13. 21. A set of rules that regulate how computers exchange information.
  14. 22. A method of preventing unauthorized access to or from a particular network
  1. 1. Data that is collected but not made immediately available.
  2. 2. A utility used to determine whether a particular computer is currently connected to the Internet.
  3. 3. A generic term that refers to the process of opening a remote interactive login session regardless of the type of computer you're connecting to.
  4. 4. The process of transferring one or more files from a remote computer to your local computer
  5. 6. A process used to remove magnetism from a computer monitors.
  6. 8. Software designed specifically for use in a classroom or other educational setting.
  7. 10. A person who dislikes or avoids new technology
  8. 14. A term describing the world of computers and the society that uses them
  9. 18. A special small program that performs a specific task