- 1. and drug administration, Federal regulatory agency that regulates food, drugs, medical devices, animal feed, cosmetics, and radiation-emitting products (cell phones, laser, microwaves, etc.)
- 4. dental association, The professional organization for dentist
- 6. dental assistants association, The professional organization for dental assistants in Canada
- 9. health agency of Canada, The main federal agency responsible for public health in Canada
- 10. institute for occupational safety and health, Federal agency that is nonregulatory and provides national and worldwide leadership to prevent work-related illnesses and injuries
- 12. protection agency, Federal regulatory agency responsible for protecting and restoring the environment and public health through environmental laws
- 2. for safety, asepsis and prevention, The premier infection control agency in the US
- 3. Institute of dental and craniofacial research, Federal agency with the mission to improve oral, dental, and craniofacial health through research, research training, and the dissemination of health information
- 5. safety and health administration, Federal regulatory agency with the mission to ensure the safety and health of Americas workers by setting and enforcing standards
- 7. dental hygienist association, The professional organization for dental hygienist
- 8. dental assistants, The professional organization for the dental assistants in the US
- 11. for disease control and prevention, Federal agency that is nonregulatory and that issues recommendations on health and safety