To the moon and back

  1. 2. What was the first co-op game we played together?
  2. 4. What was the first song I sang for you?
  3. 6. Fill in the blank "If you'd like to ____ me, I'm willing to try anything once."
  4. 9. A dish we had at the cheesecake factory
  5. 13. What movie were we watching when I asked you out?
  6. 15. What's my favorite ice cream flavor?
  1. 1. What was the first half of the first surprise video centered on?
  2. 3. Where was our FF Honeymoon?
  3. 5. What brawlhalla legend was I playing when I 100'd to zero'd you in our 4 month video?
  4. 7. What was the first song I added to our playlist?
  5. 8. What month was your comment featured in a huge livestream?
  6. 10. What do I say to you the most?
  7. 11. When was the first surprise video meant for?
  8. 12. What's my favorite nickname for you?
  9. 14. What was our first meal during the second trip?
  10. 16. What was the song for the first surprise video?