  1. 6. The heart, arteries, and veins, along with out blood, make up the
  2. 8. maintains an open airway, routes food and air appropriately
  3. 9. lung disorder from the narrowing
  4. 11. A disease caused by corona virus with flue like systoms
  5. 12. outermost layer of the wall of the heart
  6. 13. Each never has a protective outer layer called
  7. 19. High blood pressure
  8. 20. how many ribs protect the lungs
  9. 22. between right atrium and right ventricle
  10. 24. two layered sac with fluid
  11. 26. uper respiratory system consists of mouth, sinuses, pharynx, larynx and
  12. 27. body's command center
  1. 1. measure electrical activity in the heart
  2. 2. condition resulting in inflammation of the voice box
  3. 3. lower respiratory system consist of bronchi, bronchioles, and
  4. 4. the heart is made up of _____, muscle, chambers, and valves
  5. 5. transport air to alveoli for gas exchange
  6. 7. instrument to measure blood pressure
  7. 10. contagious infection caused by bacteria
  8. 14. a condition in which the sinuses are inflamed
  9. 15. Made up from your brain and spinal cord
  10. 16. Hallow organ that pumps blood throughout the circulatory system
  11. 17. separates the chest from the abdomen
  12. 18. transports air to lungs
  13. 21. lung disease
  14. 23. your brain and spinal cord
  15. 25. a preventable and treatable disease