
  1. 3. built by snowballs.
  2. 5. sport on snow.
  3. 7. christmas tv entertainment.
  4. 8. a chocolate Christmas sweet.
  5. 9. plant in which if you are under it with a person you have to kiss.
  6. 11. clothing to keep warm.
  7. 12. a big decoration, is green.
  8. 14. garment that covers the hands in winter.
  1. 1. the one who leaves you gifts under the tree.
  2. 2. what you find under the tree on Christmas day.
  3. 4. figures representing the birth of Christ.
  4. 5. garment to warm the neck.
  5. 6. weather at that time of year.
  6. 10. sweet made with butter.
  7. 13. Traditional warm Christmas food.