
  1. 2. family feline
  2. 6. party boat
  3. 7. Rich’s choice, “It’s not a fish”
  4. 8. bicycle tour in Italy
  5. 11. kids play
  6. 12. Jen’s dance of choice
  7. 14. our newest grandchild
  8. 15. Connor, Aiden, Erin and Lilly
  9. 21. Connor’s catch
  10. 22. our town home
  11. 24. Aiden’s favorite lake activity
  12. 27. Cissy’s therapy
  13. 28. Miami canines
  14. 29. Maddie’s hair color
  1. 1. our swimming hole
  2. 3. Erin’s nickname
  3. 4. our home away from home
  4. 5. Hello from Jenny
  5. 8. our lake house
  6. 9. Deacon’s greeting
  7. 10. Michael’s furry friend
  8. 12. Andrew on Halloween
  9. 13. Andrew’s workplace
  10. 16. who minds the money
  11. 17. concert on McConnell Green
  12. 18. Yellow Dog
  13. 19. Jekyll Island Festival
  14. 20. how Taylor and Jenny make a living
  15. 23. mother of three
  16. 25. catch of the day
  17. 26. lake transportation