US History 1st Semester

  1. 1. Series of laws designed to keep AA in virtual slavery. 2wd
  2. 8. Establishes the criteria for US citizenship.
  3. 9. Following the Rock Springs massacre, Pres___ issued a protection order for Chinese laborers.
  4. 10. Many Chinese immigrants came for the ___. 2wd
  5. 12. Chinese laborers tended to work for ___ , which upset the Knights of Labor.
  6. 14. Richard Sears began his career as a ____. 2wd.
  7. 16. Annihilation, Assimilation and were seen as viable responses in dealing with Native Americans.
  8. 19. The Freedmen's Bureau was designed to help slaves ____ to freedom.
  9. 20. Used for granite tunnels
  10. 21. In large part, a poor ____ and racism led to the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
  1. 2. 1861-1865
  2. 3. 13th, 14th, 15th Reconstruction.
  3. 4. T. Stevens led the _____ Republicans group. 2wd
  4. 5. Promontory, Utah meeting.
  5. 6. 1865-1877
  6. 7. In 1885, the "good" citizens of ___ forced their Chinese neighbors to leave town.
  7. 11. This period followed #___. 2wd
  8. 13. To save the man...
  9. 15. 30 million of these mammals roamed the ____ 2wd in 1865
  10. 17. Barbed wire brought an end to the ____.
  11. 18. Following Lincoln's assassination, Andrew established his plans to reunite the country.