2022 Love
- 6. Daily occupier of SSRBs time
- 8. Bane of our mail existence
- 11. Streak-worthy pastime
- 12. Yours is contagious
- 14. Time you share with my dad
- 17. Family’s smallest comic
- 18. Lady’s legacy we will soon admire
- 19. Labor of love
- 21. Friendly ghost or beloved pet?
- 23. Favorite branch of military
- 25. Weekend goals
- 28. An essential start for CCBs day
- 29. Your precious contribution to our family
- 30. Object of our mutual affection
- 31. Mom’s every other year holiday event
- 34. Road trip of a lifetime
- 36. Family transportation provider
- 37. Daily occupier of CCBs time
- 39. Where we first met
- 40. We are superior at this
- 1. Shared paradise
- 2. CCB has always loved yours
- 3. Your eyes
- 4. Your beloved
- 5. Obnoxious neighbor
- 7. SSRB past profession
- 9. CCBs nearly constant craving
- 10. Bed, half empty
- 13. Your spirit
- 15. Da Bears
- 16. Frequent supplier of gas
- 20. Our Cupid
- 22. All ____, Great and Small
- 24. CCBs indulgence
- 26. Love I feel for you
- 27. Christmas menu
- 32. Twice daily you & Finn
- 33. Friendth type
- 35. We need more of these
- 38. Blinders we love