Personal Crossword puzzle

  1. 5. Favorite food
  2. 6. Favorite Hobby
  3. 7. Place of birth
  4. 8. Favorite streaming platform
  5. 9. Favorite drink
  6. 11. Favorite anime
  7. 12. Favorite song
  8. 15. Favorite animal
  9. 19. year I was born
  10. 20. Favorite ice cream
  11. 21. Favorite Artist
  1. 1. Biggest petpeeves
  2. 2. Favorite cartooncharacter
  3. 3. Favorite book
  4. 4. Most prized possession
  5. 7. Favorite show
  6. 10. Favorite Movie
  7. 13. Favorite thing to do in free time
  8. 14. Dream Vacation
  9. 16. Favorite thing to do when alone
  10. 17. Age I found out about Santaclaus
  11. 18. Favorite game