Respiratory System
- 2. major air passages of lungs which diverge from windpipe
- 3. branch in which bronchi divides
- 4. tube extending from back of the nasal passage & mouth to the esophagus
- 7. two organs that are alike bags, main breathing structure
- 9. opening used to eat, breathe, talk & drink
- 10. a channel for air flow through the nose
- 13. stiff walled tube that connects the pharynx with the lungs
- 1. muscular wall separating lungs from stomach area and assists in breathing
- 5. two holes in your nose to breath & smell
- 6. pairs of serious membrane lining the thorax and enveloping the lungs in humans and animals
- 8. a flap of cartilage at the roof of the tongue which is depressed during swallowing to cover wind pipe
- 11. tiny air sacs of lungs that allow rapid gaseous exchange
- 12. upper part of your wind pipe, holds your vocal cords