periodic table

  1. 3. i would tell you a chemistry joke... but all the good ones ____.
  2. 6. 9,6
  3. 8. 7,17
  4. 9. noble gases are also considered ______.
  5. 12. the rows on a periodic table
  6. 14. Ag
  7. 15. i have a atomic number of 2
  8. 17. i have 8 electrons
  9. 20. i have 2 neutrons and i'm found in group 18
  10. 21. 5,2
  11. 23. how many liquids are on the periodic table
  1. 1. i have 20 neutrons and am found in group 2
  2. 2. Cu
  3. 4. i have 14 protons
  4. 5. the sixth most abundant element in the universe
  5. 7. these are the lanthanides and actinides name
  6. 10. Au
  7. 11. i have 14 neutrons and am found in group 14
  8. 13. 5,4
  9. 16. i have 32 neutrons and am found in group 9
  10. 18. i have 5 electrons
  11. 19. 15,6
  12. 22. Fe