MS Español 1A Review

  1. 2. with
  2. 5. winter
  3. 6. the pencil
  4. 7. quickly
  5. 9. yesterday
  6. 11. February
  7. 13. a little
  8. 14. small
  9. 15. slowly
  10. 16. the weekend
  11. 17. doesn't like
  12. 18. cries
  13. 20. tomorrow
  14. 22. the book
  1. 1. eleven
  2. 2. walks
  3. 3. big
  4. 4. sun
  5. 6. January
  6. 8. likes
  7. 10. the week
  8. 11. cold
  9. 12. laughs
  10. 13. popular
  11. 18. the nose
  12. 19. dances
  13. 21. today