  1. 3. (14) the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level
  2. 8. (10)Work jointly on an ctivity or a project
  3. 10. (7) Be able to rival others
  4. 13. (6) A list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting
  5. 15. (6)A marked effect or influence
  6. 16. (8) Latest time or date by which something should be completed
  7. 17. (10)Action or process of investing money for proft
  8. 19. (13) A company operating in several countries
  9. 20. (9)Become more varied
  10. 21. (8) Somone that re sells product
  11. 22. (8)Somone who you owe money to
  1. 1. (12) The practice of raising money from a large number of people
  2. 2. (11) Hiring a third party to accomplish tasks
  3. 4. (9) People who work together
  4. 5. (5,2)A young innovative company
  5. 6. (12)Statement of the assets, libalities and equity
  6. 7. (5) Combine to form a single identity
  7. 9. (6)Start or set in an activity
  8. 11. (4,6) A person who plays or works well as a member of a team
  9. 12. (8) The buying of one company by another one
  10. 14. (7) A group or system of interconneected people or things
  11. 18. (12)Somone who set up a business