AUTM 2023

  1. 2. concerns, What is the biggest challenge facing implementing blockchain technology in healthcare, according to BCC?
  2. 4. What is a well-known market player in the healthcare blockchain sector?
  3. 7. True, or False: Europe is the fastest-growing region for healthcare blockchain technology, as per BCC.
  4. 9. Which company holds the most patents for electric vehicles (EVs)?
  5. 12. which organ has been the primary focus of Organ-on-a-Chip research?
  6. 13. True, or False: the market for wireless charging for EVs is growing faster than 60%, as per BCC.
  7. 14. trials, Can Organ-on-a-Chip technology potentially reduce costs during which stage of drug discovery?
  8. 15. cost, B) Policy incentives, C) Feedstock supply, or D) All of the above
  9. 16. Which nation has the highest number of EVs per capita?
  10. 17. True, or False: one of the main drivers for 5G technologies is the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), according to BCC.
  11. 20. Can you name a major player in the wireless charging sector that holds top patents?
  12. 22. what is the most promising technology utilized in SAF, as per BCC?
  1. 1. which segment of the healthcare industry holds the largest market share for blockchain technology?
  2. 3. Which city in the United States was among the first to adopt 5G network technology?
  3. 5. Name a leading market player in 5G technologies.
  4. 6. True, or False: there are more electric car recharging stations than fuel stations in the United Kingdom, according to BCC.
  5. 8. chain management, What is the most prominent application of blockchain in healthcare, according to BCC?
  6. 9. True, or False: the cost of developing a single drug exceeds 2.6 billion dollars, according to a study published by the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development in 2019.
  7. 10. What does the "G" in "5G" stand for?
  8. 11. modeling, What is the second most widely studied application of Organ-on-a-Chip technology?
  9. 13. Which telecommunications carrier has the largest 5G coverage, as per BCC?
  10. 15. Airlines, Which airline operates the highest number of flights?
  11. 18. which continent has the largest number of international flights?
  12. 19. What is the most environmentally friendly airline?
  13. 21. what is the major constraint in adopting SAF according to BCC?