Sound of Silence

  1. 2. What nickname went by
  2. 4. Parents are..
  3. 5. Has to .. for his parents in the hearing world
  4. 7. Scouts Joined what organization for only few weeks
  5. 8. Scholarship to what college
  6. 13. Found new hobby which
  7. 14. Favorite place to hang out
  8. 15. Yearly tradition shopping for what
  9. 16. Play what sport in high school
  10. 18. School project partner's name
  11. 19. Imitated what comic book character
  1. 1. Bully's name
  2. 3. News Dad worked where
  3. 6. Brother is sick with what
  4. 7. Had to act out what sport
  5. 8. Lives where
  6. 9. Brother's name
  7. 10. Father identified with what man
  8. 11. Main character's name
  9. 12. Parents would .. hearing each night
  10. 17. Loves what sport