Procon Inc. Quiz #19

  1. 8. Soon enough...we will all graduate from our containers
  2. 10. Delightfully easy to mangle
  3. 12. For Heavens sake catch me before I kill more, I cannot control myself
  4. 13. Thought to be a great gift, but ultimately an unholy distraction
  5. 15. Call me _______
  6. 16. Take a look inside
  7. 18. You spin me right round
  8. 20. Our final destination
  9. 21. To finally exist in The Garden
  10. 22. A bomb tastes the best when it is ______
  1. 1. Members of Procon Inc. will ________ containers until they find The Garden
  2. 2. Among the items one would keep in their trunk
  3. 3. Take a load off, would you?
  4. 4. A film in which something wonderful happens
  5. 5. The ultimate demonstration of celibacy
  6. 6. It will never go away, for which we are grateful
  7. 7. A fictitious diversion, unattainable outside of The Garden
  8. 9. Derived from suffering
  9. 11. The way blood looks the prettiest
  10. 14. To ooze...drip...drop...drip...drop...
  11. 17. To suffer makes one _____
  12. 19. Those who wish to impede our pilgrimage