Imperialism Term Review

  1. 2. this place serves a great refueling station for ships.
  2. 4. Nationalism, or extreme national pride, so extreme that one feels a _____over other cultures & countries.
  3. 6. European countries met here to carve up Africa (2 words)
  4. 8. India had tea, raw materials and these
  5. 13. After the Spanish-American War the US took control of (1 word)
  6. 14. the extension of one nation’s power over other lands
  7. 17. diplomacy back by the threat of military force (2 words)
  8. 19. Social Darwinism states that stronger nations will ______________weaker ones
  9. 20. to make use of meanly or unfairly for one’s own advantage
  10. 26. launched war to dominate Korea in 1894
  11. 28. native to a region
  12. 29. President who annexed Hawaii
  13. 32. King whose agents were brutal to the local Congo people to obtain obedience
  14. 35. policy of one culture being absorbed by another.
  15. 37. goal of this conflict was to gain control of all of southern Africa & institute a federation government (2 words)
  16. 39. Diamond tycoon who founded colony of Rhodesia; Great Britain to continue to spread its influence
  17. 40. British leave, in 1947 with Indian independence movement led by (last name only)
  18. 41. Japan sought to take over this to keep Russia out of Korea
  19. 43. Britain occupied this country in order to protect their interests in the Suez Canal
  20. 44. The French focused on growing this not industry
  21. 47. Policy that European countries would not carve up China(2 words)
  22. 49. Most profitable French colonial possessions (2 words)
  23. 51. After the Spanish-American War. _____ gained independence
  24. 53. to send a product for sale to another country
  25. 54. England fought wars with China to sell this in China
  26. 55. Americans led by this man overthrew Queen Liliuokalani in 1883
  1. 1. philosophy stronger nations had an obligation to care for a weaker nation.
  2. 3. a political unit (a country) that relies on another for protection
  3. 5. His mission was end Japanese isolationism
  4. 7. colonial government where locals are removed from power (2 words)
  5. 9. Indian soldier hired by the British East India Company
  6. 10. After China’s surrender, Britain took control of this island (2 words)
  7. 11. British turned Malay into massive producer of this
  8. 12. Spanish-American War was fought by (5 words)
  9. 15. Industrialized nations seek resources from _____ parts of the world.
  10. 16. Claimed to be the brother of Jesus; led a civil war in China
  11. 18. diplomacy that seeks to strengthen the power of a country by using financial resources (2 words)
  12. 19. Hawaii’s natural harbor here was the envy of the US, Britain, & France
  13. 21. a farmer who works land owned by another & pays rent in cash or shares of crops (2 words)
  14. 22. location of Belgian atrocities
  15. 23. The US entered Vietnam War to prevent against the spread of
  16. 24. After the Spanish-American War the US over control of (2 words)
  17. 25. countries practice this to protect against foreign contact
  18. 27. constructed In 1860s to facilitate British trade with India (2 words)
  19. 28. wealthiest colony that Britain controlled
  20. 30. The East India Company’s policies pushed this religion
  21. 31. mysteriously exploded while stationed in Cuba
  22. 33. governor who rules as a representative of a monarch
  23. 34. colonial government in which local rulers are allowed to maintain their power (2 words)
  24. 36. a country or area under the political control of another country
  25. 38. author who coined the term “crimes against humanity” (last name only)
  26. 42. to incorporate into an existing country
  27. 45. British East India Company established to control the trade of this item
  28. 46. led to ineffective government or education, and constant warfare and unstable societies (3 words)
  29. 48. After the Spanish-American War the US over control of (2 words)
  30. 50. the belief the race determines a person’s traits and capabilities
  31. 52. Sepoys rebel over this because it was offensive to their faiths