  1. 1. a tool to navigate, it has four cardinal directions : north, south, east, and west
  2. 3. technology that utilized electronic equipment to exchange data wirelessly
  3. 4. the program code used to create a web page is called
  4. 9. a tool that often used for information search engines on the internet is
  5. 10. synonim of perform is
  6. 11. the first digital camera was invented in 1975 by
  7. 13. the internet application used to send letters in electronic form is
  8. 15. It defined as a mobile phone and having touchscreen interface & small sized
  1. 1. hardware device to retrieve and store images as data on a memory card
  2. 2. the function of printers to ... Items on paper
  3. 5. Technology that has similar looks and function with computer is
  4. 6. pages that used to display information is
  5. 7. this tecnology widely used input cursor on computer
  6. 8. in 1938 when Chester Carlson invented a dry printing process called electro photography which is commonly called
  7. 12. we use a ... to make mathematical calculations
  8. 14. technology that external output device that takes data from computer to output in the form of graphics or text on a paper