Exodus and Numbers

  1. 5. Even in vessels of this and vessels of stone
  2. 8. The Lord rained
  3. 11. Tear down their
  4. 12. Do not bear false
  5. 13. Moses' hands grew
  6. 14. Barley was in
  7. 15. Israel thirsted there
  8. 17. Whoever gathered little had no
  9. 21. Was like wafers made with honey
  10. 23. Do not eat any of it ___ or boiled in water
  11. 24. The land flows with this and honey
  12. 27. Daubed with bitumen and
  13. 29. 12 springs and 70 palm tress here
  14. 30. With ____ on your feet
  15. 34. Marah means
  16. 37. You shall not build it with ___ stones
  17. 40. On the third new
  18. 41. Moses is a bridegroom of this to Zipporah
  19. 43. ___ of Pharaoh and his servants was changed
  20. 44. You have only to be
  21. 46. God showed Moses a
  22. 47. Rose up to
  23. 48. Moses is of uncircumcised
  24. 50. Fine as __ on the ground
  25. 51. Bought for money
  26. 52. Fashioned it with a graving
  27. 55. The Nile shall swarm with these
  28. 57. Trustworthy men who hate a
  29. 58. To the derision of their
  30. 59. Massah means
  31. 61. Brother, companion, and
  32. 64. The dust of the earth became
  33. 67. The horse and his
  34. 68. Hebrew between the 2 evenings
  35. 71. No foreigner or hired
  36. 72. No ___ will befall you
  37. 73. Majestic in
  38. 74. Verb "to be"
  39. 76. Had 7 daughters
  40. 77. Sank like ___ in the mighty waters
  41. 78. Eshcol means
  42. 80. Almost ready to ___ Moses
  43. 81. Break their pillars in
  44. 82. __ of sapphire stone
  45. 83. Sounds like Hebrew for draw out
  46. 84. These in the Nile will die
  1. 1. In the dungeon
  2. 2. You shall remove ____ out of your houses
  3. 3. Son of Raphu
  4. 4. Handfuls of soot became boils breaking out in
  5. 6. Trembling seizes the leaders of
  6. 7. Meribah means
  7. 9. Bred worms and
  8. 10. Not a ___ thing remained
  9. 12. Noise of __ in the camp
  10. 16. Sat by the meat
  11. 18. Select lambs according to your
  12. 19. The Lord will not allow the
  13. 20. Slave girl behind the
  14. 22. Above all keep
  15. 24. Moses delayed to come down the
  16. 25. Dense swarm of
  17. 26. In the morning ___ lay around the camp
  18. 28. Catch the serpent by the
  19. 31. Not a dog shall
  20. 32. Baked unleavened ___
  21. 33. Stoned or
  22. 35. __ and fourth generation
  23. 36. Sinai was wrapped in
  24. 38. Kingdom of priests and a holy
  25. 39. Built 7 years before Zoan in Egypt
  26. 41. Equipped for
  27. 42. Relent from this
  28. 45. God bore Israel on eagles'
  29. 49. The people are set on
  30. 50. Moses' hand was restored like the rest of his
  31. 53. Tenth part of an ephah
  32. 54. Because of their broken what and harsh slavery
  33. 55. A darkness to be
  34. 56. With tambourines and
  35. 57. Hebrew papyrus reeds
  36. 60. That your __ be not exposed
  37. 62. Sounds like Hebrew for sojourner
  38. 63. Flax was in
  39. 65. Fear not, stand firm and see the
  40. 66. Clearly and not in
  41. 69. Feast at the year's end
  42. 70. With unleavened bread and bitter
  43. 71. Emmer is a type of
  44. 75. Drive out the Hivites, Canaanites, and Hittites
  45. 79. Son of Joseph
  46. 85. Not a ___ shall be left behind