US South Korea Venezuala Nigeria_Deep Hazarika_Publicis Sapient

  1. 3. Largest city in Nigeria
  2. 6. The capital of South Korea
  3. 10. A popular traditional sport in Korea
  4. 12. What is the national mammal of USA?
  5. 13. This Korean city hosted the Asian Games in 2002
  6. 15. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from which country?
  7. 17. The national sport of Nigeria
  8. 18. The main product exported by Venezuela
  1. 1. Name of the traditional Korean costume
  2. 2. Nigeria's flag consists of two colors, ____________ and white
  3. 4. First European country to colonize Venezuela
  4. 5. Currency of South Korea
  5. 7. Capital of Nigeria
  6. 8. The first school founded in the United States
  7. 9. Mountain range in Venezuela
  8. 11. Least populated state in America
  9. 14. Venezuela's national flower
  10. 16. Nigeria is named after this river