Lathe of Heaven Quiz

  1. 2. What mountain does Haber love and make George dream about?
  2. 3. Concept called that George is experiencing?
  3. 5. What is the thing Dr. Haber makes George dream about?
  4. 7. Where was George hiding?
  5. 9. Who is the person George looks to get help from?
  6. 14. Problem Dr. Haber made George dream to get rid of people
  7. 15. How old was George when he had his first dream?
  1. 1. Title of the book
  2. 4. Author of the Novel
  3. 6. Who is the narrator?
  4. 8. What problem does George struggle with at the beginning of the novel?
  5. 10. When he had his first dream, who did he dream disappeared?
  6. 11. Who covers for George and gets him in less trouble?
  7. 12. How long does George go without sleeping?
  8. 13. While dreaming, what does Haber make George put on the moon?