Diabetes Mellitus - by Courtney O'Bryan

  1. 2. characterized by absolute insulin deficiency.
  2. 6. one of the 3 P's, increased thirst.
  3. 9. machine implanted into patient after established diagnosis that monitors blood glucose level and insulin administration.
  4. 10. adding up number of carbs in meal/snack.
  5. 13. one of the 3 P's, increased hunger/appetite.
  6. 14. tool used to determine amount of insulin to give depending on blood glucose level.
  7. 17. less commonly used short acting insulin.
  8. 18. term used for low blood sugar, usually more dangerous than high blood sugar.
  9. 19. drink to give patient when blood sugar is less than 70.
  10. 20. machine used to calculate blood glucose level using capillary blood.
  1. 1. poker used to check blood sugar level via finger poke.
  2. 3. one of the 3 P's, increased urination.
  3. 4. emergency medication administered during severe hypoglycemia; prescribed to families for home.
  4. 5. children's book provided by Diabetic Ed that helps the patient understand diabetes better.
  5. 7. most common long acting insulin we use inpatient.
  6. 8. lab test taken to determine average blood glucose level over the last 2-3 months.
  7. 11. characterized by insulin resistance with varying degrees of insulin secretory defects.
  8. 12. most common short acting insulin we use inpatient.
  9. 15. less commonly used long acting insulin.
  10. 16. what may appear in a urinalysis during ketoacidosis.