Chinese on Hawaiian Plantations Crossword

  1. 1. Years that chinese labor contracts with the plantation owners held them.
  2. 2. What the large proportion of China's population was.
  3. 4. Corruption was found in ___________ levels of the Chinese government in the 1850's.
  4. 6. when the Chinese found the plantation life conditions they were _____________.
  5. 8. China was struggling with _________ population.
  6. 9. The first _______ arrived in 1852.
  1. 1. The people who took some of the higher chinese jobs on the plantations.
  2. 3. What the so called "Chinamen" were considered.
  3. 5. China was pulling itself through _______ due to natural disasters.
  4. 7. The main pull factor to Hawaii for young Chinese men.