Crossword Puzzle: Period 4

  1. 2. act of 1801. expanded federal jurisdiction, eliminated Supreme Court justices' circuit court duties, and created 16 federal circuit court judgeships
  2. 3. Burr. third Vice President of the United States
  3. 6. Affair. a naval battle that took place off the coast of Norfolk, Virginia on June 22, 1807.
  4. 10. Jefferson. third president of the United States
  5. 11. A Native American woman who traveled with Lewis and Clark throughout the North America continent
  6. 12. Marshall. served as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court for amor than three decades
  7. 16. purchase. land deal between the United States and France
  8. 17. forcing American seamen by British Navy in the late 18th and early 19th centuries
  9. 18. Revolution. a slave revolt in the French colony of Saint Domingue
  10. 19. v. Madison. established the principle of judicial review the power of the federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional
  11. 20. Madison. fourth President of the United States
  1. 1. judges. commissioning Federalist Party members
  2. 4. Livingston. early American leader who served as Continental Congress
  3. 5. hawks. young politicians hailing from the West and South
  4. 7. act. closed U.S ports to all exports and restricted imports from Britain
  5. 8. of Discovery. a mission commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson in 1803 to explore and map the newly acquired western territory of the U.S
  6. 9. with Tripoli. War between the U.S and the North African state of Tripoli, to which the U.S had been paying tribute, since 1784, for shipping access
  7. 13. act. the act of Congress (1809) prohibiting all shipping and trade between the U.S and British or French ports
  8. 14. Lewis & William Clark. expedition set out to find practical route across the western half of the continent
  9. 15. review. the power of the federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional