May-June 2023 APWU Magazine

  1. 1. A recent OIG audit report found that unpredictable hours and manager hostility are a major factor in the increasingly high turnover rates of non-"______" employees.
  2. 2. If passed, provisions of the "Protecting the Right to ________ Act" would make it easier to join unions.
  3. 3. On April 28, postal workers said "enough is enough" to workplace "________."
  4. 6. The "_________" Affair in Chicago capped off a week of protests in a national campaign to secure an eight-hour workday.
  5. 8. Workers "________" Day is observed annually on April 28 to remember workers killed, injured, or made ill on the job.
  1. 1. Your local "____________" contains the fundamental principles by which the local is governed.
  2. 4. The Postal "_______" System provided simple and reliable banking services during the Great Depression and beyond.
  3. 5. Just "_____" protections of a union contract require fair and objective investigations.
  4. 7. The Postal Employees "______" Fund provides financial assistance to postal workers whose homes & property have been damaged by natural disasters.