WHAP 8/9

  1. 1. A political and economic ideology that advocates for a classless system in which the means of production are owned communally and private property is virtually nonexistent.
  2. 4. A wall separating East and West Berlin built by East Germany in 1961 to prevent citizens from leaving to the West.
  3. 9. Nations that didn't side with the US or the USSR during the Cold War.
  4. 10. South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore, nations that became Asian economic forces.
  5. 11. An intergovernmental organization that controls the amount of oil being exported for its member countries. (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries).
  6. 16. The average number of children that is born to a female over their lifetime.
  7. 17. A conference held by the allied powers after WW2 to discuss the postwar order.
  8. 19. Gorbechov’s Soviet economic reforms.
  9. 20. Gorbechov’s policy of “Openness” in the Soviet Government.
  10. 22. The group of eastern European countries that were aligned/controlled militarily, politically, and economically with the Soviet Union.
  11. 23. The willingness to go to the edge of war.
  12. 26. A form of government that emphasizes extreme nationalism, militarism, and an authoritarian leader.
  13. 27. (Human immunodeficiency virus) - a virus that attacks one's immune system.
  14. 28. Used to kill bacteria.
  15. 29. U.S. policy for preventing the spread of Communism.
  16. 30. A communist guerrilla organization that overthrew the pre-existing government in Cambodia.
  1. 2. U.S. economic relief program for Western Europe after WW2.
  2. 3. A period of time in the 1950s consisting of the widespread fear of a potential rise of communism.
  3. 5. U.S. policy of giving money to countries resisting communist influence.
  4. 6. Destruction of forests.
  5. 7. An international organization formed after WWII to promote international peace, security, and cooperation.
  6. 8. The term used to describe the divide between East and West Europe.
  7. 12. The widespread calls in Quebec for independence from Canada.
  8. 13. Free trade agreement between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
  9. 14. A period of technology innovations that increased crop yields and agricultural production.
  10. 15. A substance used to prepare one's immune system for a virus.
  11. 18. The American and Soviet competition in space technology and exploration.
  12. 21. The massacre of student protesters protesting the Chinese government in 1989.
  13. 24. A Soviet-backed alliance of Communist Eastern European countries to combat NATO and western powers.
  14. 25. North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  15. 27. The leader of the Communist North Vietnam and President of Vietnam.