Vote Gabby and Michele!

  1. 2. class that requires 4 credits to graduate
  2. 3. ___league
  3. 4. newspaper
  4. 6. Place where the seniors hangout
  5. 7. hewitt's video journalism
  6. 12. only faculty, staff, and seniors can use these
  7. 14. years gabby and michele have been at hewitt
  8. 17. upperclassmen classes
  9. 19. your next senior class president
  10. 20. Dr. Kinsey's dog
  11. 22. hewitt spans across a ___
  1. 1. the winter musical
  2. 5. class of twenty-___ ____ ,kindergarten
  3. 8. both a measurement of height and where cards are
  4. 9. ____for us!
  5. 10. hewitt shortened
  6. 11. ___in the winter
  7. 13. not biology or chemistry
  8. 15. one of the four pillars beginning with "r"
  9. 16. your next senior class vice president
  10. 18. Commencement ceremony
  11. 20. new hewitt sport
  12. 21. league with divisions (d1, d2,...)