Mediterranean Culture Crossword

  1. 5. Greek goddess of love and beauty, equivalent to the Roman goddess Venus
  2. 7. Greek goddess of the harvest, associated with agriculture and fertility, equivalent to the Roman goddess Ceres
  3. 9. A hybrid god that combined aspects of the Greek god Zeus and the Egyptian god Amun, known as
  4. 10. A Greek god of wine, fertility, and ecstasy, identified with the Roman god Bacchus
  1. 1. King of the gods, known as Zeus in Greek mythology and __________ in Roman mythology (6)
  2. 2. Greek god of the sea and earthquakes, identified with the Roman god Neptune
  3. 3. The Greek goddess of the hunt, identified with the Roman goddess Diana
  4. 4. Greek goddess of wisdom, associated with warfare, equivalent to the Roman goddess Minerva
  5. 5. The Greek god of war, identified with the Roman god Mars
  6. 6. Greek messenger of the gods, associated with commerce, thieves, and travelers, identified with the Roman god Mercury
  7. 8. The queen of the gods, known as Hera in Greek mythology and __________ in Roman mythology