End of Year Puzzle

  1. 1. President who was assassinated in Dallas
  2. 4. Tied with George Bush in the 2000s presidential Election
  3. 5. Nation that held Americans hostage for over a year while Carter attempted to negotiate their freedom.
  4. 8. Nixon's Downfall and the reason he resigns
  5. 9. These cheaper housing developments made homeownership possible and allowed people to live outside of the cities
  6. 11. conflict between the U.S. & U.S.S.R that lasted over 40 years.
  7. 13. Leader of the Civil Rights Movement, known for his "I Have a Dream" speech
  8. 14. The U.S. attempts to root out communists by spying on their neighbors
  9. 16. Side the U.S. fought on during WWII
  10. 17. Music created during the Harlem Renaissance by African Americans, it was the first solely American genre.
  1. 2. President who created the New Deal and gave "fireside chats" to calm the nation's fears.
  2. 3. One of the 4 causes of WWI
  3. 6. An organization formed out of fear of the Soviet Union
  4. 7. Name of your U.S. History Teacher
  5. 10. Reagan's economic policies aimed to fix the stagflation on the 1970s & 1980s
  6. 11. A culture of buying more/ the newest goods to demonstrate social status
  7. 12. Forrest Gump's Best Friend/ Love interest
  8. 15. Leader of the UFW, which fought for Mexican-Americans workers rights.