Environmental Science

  1. 1. set of components that function and interact in some regular way.
  2. 3. breakup of larger habitat areas into smaller areas
  3. 4. Group of interbreeding individuals of the same species, usually living together in a group.
  4. 8. The process by which peers evaluate their work and scientific knowledge advances as scientists question and confirm one another's data and hypotheses.
  5. 10. sequence of organisms in which each organism is a source of nutrients or energy for the next level of organisms.
  6. 11. Any heritable trait that gives an individual some advantage over other individuals in a given population
  7. 12. Role that a species plays in an ecosystem
  8. 14. species with so few individual survivors that the species could soon become extinct
  9. 15. carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and water cycles
  10. 18. interdisciplinary study of how humans interact with the environment
  11. 20. biological science that studies how living things interact with the living and nonliving parts of their environment
  12. 21. Gradual change in species composition in a given area.
  13. 22. Process by which a body of water gains nutrients
  14. 23. zone of Earth where life is found
  15. 26. Physical or mathematical representation of a structure or system.
  16. 27. Process by which a chemical becomes more concentrated as it moves up a food chain
  17. 28. Significant rise in the in extinction rates well above the background extinction rate.
  18. 29. Variety of life on Earth
  1. 2. designation for an organism based on its methods of making or finding food and feeding behavior
  2. 5. species that has enough remaining individuals to survive in the short term
  3. 6. The greatest baseball team of all time.
  4. 7. anything that has mass and takes up space
  5. 9. Given pattern of atmospheric conditions in an area over long periods of time.
  6. 13. Maximum population of a species that a habitat can sustain indefinitely
  7. 16. Drainage basin
  8. 17. Factor that is particularly important relative to other factors in regulating the growth of a population.
  9. 19. One or more communities of different species interacting with one another and with the chemical and physical factors of their nonliving environment
  10. 24. Type of matter with a unique set of properties that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means
  11. 25. Process that results in the formation of a new species