World War 1 Crossword Puzzlle

  1. 2. Command economy all decisions made by govt
  2. 4. Police terror including spying, intimidation, and brutality
  3. 8. Massive arms buildup in late 1800s
  4. 9. an act of war whereby one party blocks entry to or departure from a defined part of an enemy's territory, most often its coasts
  5. 16. treaties to defend one another in a war
  6. 18. 1935 Britain passed Government of India Act—provided local self-govt and limited elections, but not total independence
  7. 22. Countries from all 6 settled continents involved in the war
  8. 26. Russia withdrew from the war due to civil unrest and revolt
  9. 28. designed to break deadlock of trench warfare
  10. 29. Battle that stopped German advance
  11. 31. was a popular term during the First World War to describe the area between opposing armies and trench lines
  12. 32. Artists could only portray what govt allowed
  13. 33. one of the key events that lead to ww1
  14. 36. the alliance (partnership) between Russia, France, and Britain
  15. 37. fought against the Central Powers, mainly Germany
  16. 38. a levy on a defeated country forcing it to pay some of the war costs of the winning countries
  1. 1. increased tensions over terriu8tories and boundar
  2. 3. attempt by the British to stop the advances of Germans and introduced poison gas
  3. 5. treaty negotiated with germany
  4. 6. German attack to frighten French - Feb 23 1916
  5. 7. built trenches in the ground to have a advantage in war
  6. 10. increasingly used for bombing and dog fights
  7. 11. Used for reconnaissance/spotting Wireless communicationcritical development in spotting
  8. 12. also known as the Central Empires, was one of the two main coalitions that fought in World War I
  9. 13. was heavily involved in the allies' line of defense during the final German offensives in spring 1918
  10. 14. Defeat France b/f Russia is mobilized
  11. 15. Mustafa Kemal led Turkish nationalists in repulsing British backed Greek invasion, then overthrew sultan
  12. 17. led America into war in order to “make the world safe for democracy.”
  13. 19. They were used in the trenches and on airplanes
  14. 20. Note from german foreign secretary to mexico
  15. 21. Became leader of independence movement and preached non violence
  16. 23. forces led offensives against both Germany and Austria-Hungary
  17. 24. an international organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, created after the First World War to provide a forum for resolving international disputes
  18. 25. first battle to have tanks
  19. 27. over 8 million people died in this war known as great war
  20. 28. Government that has total, complete control over all aspects of life
  21. 30. used by governments and war correspondents needing to communicate quickly and efficiently
  22. 34. intensified rivalries betweejn nations
  23. 35. “Big Push” attack across river Somme by British