שבת שלום

  1. 1. Jumping into new waters
  2. 3. Here for a taste of camp
  3. 5. Olam chesed yibaneh, one chanich at a time
  4. 6. Wise behind their years
  5. 8. Exhibits the courage to take the first step
  6. 9. Taking Tzevet to new hieghts
  7. 11. Leading the true future of machaneh ramah darom
  8. 14. Putting “camp” in Ramah Darom
  9. 15. מלכת מילת היום
  1. 2. Will be hyping up camp with all of their enthusiasm
  2. 4. Always found with a smile made for the stage
  3. 6. A true leader
  4. 7. An educator planting seeds into the minds of our tzevet
  5. 8. Beautifully conducting many logistics of the role!
  6. 10. A budding leader and educator
  7. 12. Has already started paving the way for a great kayitz
  8. 13. A shining star
  9. 16. Speaking at 1000 miles per hour, they’re delegated to bring Yisrael to Clayton, GA