Summer Fun

  1. 3. Spending nights outdoors in a tent.
  2. 7. Cool treat on hot summer days. (2 words)
  3. 8. An event with concerts and live performances. (2 words)
  4. 9. Bonding and spending quality moments with loved ones. (2 words)
  5. 11. Time away from school to relax and unwind.
  6. 12. Going on an adventure by car to explore new places. (2 words)
  7. 13. A luxury of not having to wake up early for school.(2 words)
  8. 16. People you hang out with and making memories with.
  9. 18. Exploring new places during the break.
  10. 19. Cooling off in pools, lakes, or the ocean.
  11. 20. Outdoor cooking and enjoying grilled food (abbreviation).
  1. 1. Giving back to the community through service.
  2. 2. A popular destination for summer relaxation.
  3. 4. Books assigned for academic preparation. (3 words)
  4. 5. The latest blockbuster releases.
  5. 6. The feeling experienced when school is out.
  6. 10. Warm weather during the summer comes from this..
  7. 14. Outdoor activities and games.
  8. 15. Diving into books for leisure and personal interests.
  9. 17. What you get when you are working to earn extra money during the break.(2 words)