All About The Couple

  1. 2. Gail's birth month
  2. 5. Ike's no. of years at Loma Linda
  3. 8. Ike's graduate school country
  4. 9. Gail's favorite city
  5. 10. Time difference between California and Cebu
  6. 13. Gail's first gift to Ike
  7. 16. Ike's dream job
  8. 17. Gail's favorite ice cream flavor
  9. 19. Gail's favorite movie genre
  1. 1. Ike's hobby
  2. 3. Gail's shoe size
  3. 4. Couple's dream vacation destination (country)
  4. 6. Gail's favorite color
  5. 7. Ike's first gift to Gail
  6. 11. How many kids they wish to have
  7. 12. Ike's maiden name
  8. 14. Ike's birthplace (province)
  9. 15. Couple's first date city
  10. 18. Couple's name of high school