Adapt to Overcome

  1. 3. Currently, Singapore's farm supply __________ than 10% of Singapore's requirement.
  2. 5. Singapore _____________ food from many different countries and regions.
  3. 8. An alternative to allocating large spaces to growing food is to carry out _______________ farming.
  4. 9. In Singapore, we have less than 1% of land to ____________ food.
  5. 10. With a small population of 5.5 million, Singapore has a shortage of ______________.
  6. 11. Singapore aims to meet 30% of our nutritional ______________ by 2030.
  7. 12. We can grow more food by using _________________ and automation.
  8. 14. Singapore is creating more exciting _____________ jobs in the coming years.
  1. 1. Our local farms produce a variety of fresh produce such as eggs, _________________ and fish.
  2. 2. One way to grow more food is to starting carry out ________________ farming.
  3. 4. To encourage local farmers to grow more, we must ______________ local produce over imports.
  4. 6. To ensure Singapore's continued survival, we must strengthen our food ________________.
  5. 7. The Singapore Food ______________ has awarded nine rooftop sites on HDB multi-storey car parks for farming.
  6. 13. One of the challenges of growing our own local food in Singapore is the lack of _____________.